An artificial pancreas developed by a team of Cambridge researchers is helping protect very young children…
Medical Xpress
Difference between retina’s biological age and person’s real age linked to heightened death risk
The difference between the biological age of the retina, the light sensitive layers of nerve tissue…
Israel study: 4th vaccine shows limited results with omicron
An Israeli hospital on Monday said preliminary research indicates a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine…
Mexico sees fake molnupiravir, 1 week after drug approved
Mexico said Friday it is already seeing black market or fake versions of molnupiravir circulating for…
Politics still make people sick
Scrolling social media, reading websites, listening to podcasts, watching news. With so many options, it’s never…
Resource allocations for health and education should be based on evidence, not politics
If resource allocation decisions were made based on evidence rather than internal and external politics, the…
Study shows how memories are stored in the brain, with potential impact on conditions like PTSD
What physical changes occur in the brain when a memory is made?
Swedish lab eyes poisoned chalice in malaria fight
Cages meshed over with women’s tights and crawling with mosquitoes are stashed in a Swedish laboratory.…
Blood test helps predict who may benefit from lung cancer screening
A blood test, combined with a risk model based on an individual’s history, more accurately determines…
Racialized women frequently excluded from developing medical guidance: study
A study of all clinical practice guidelines published in national general medical journals in Australia, Canada,…
Relatlimab plus nivolumab improves progression-free survival in metastatic melanoma
In patients with untreated, advanced melanoma, the combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors relatlimab and nivolumab doubled…
Hope for children at risk of relapse in depression
Ph.D. candidate Ida Sund Morken and her colleagues at NTNU’s Department of Psychology have investigated the…
Israeli PM says over 60s to get 4th COVID jab
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Sunday that a fourth COVID vaccine will be given to…
Not all calories are equal: A dietitian explains the different ways the kinds of foods you eat matter to your body
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie, at least from a thermodynamic standpoint. It’s defined…
France introduces free contraception for women aged 18-25
Free birth control for all women under 25 will be available in France from Saturday, expanding…
Rivaroxaban as thromboprophylaxis improves clinical outcomes after COVID-19 hospitalization
For patients at high risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) discharged after COVID-19 hospitalization, thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban…
Three days of remdesivir cuts risk for severe COVID-19 in outpatients
A three-day course of remdesivir results in a lower risk for hospitalization or death compered with…
When a kidney transplant fails, retransplantation may offer better survival over dialysis
Kidney transplantation is the preferred therapy after kidney failure, but kidneys transplanted from deceased donors often do…
Covid-hit Xi’an tightens measures as China sees 21-month case record
The Chinese city of Xi’an, where 13 million residents are currently confined to their homes, announced…
Thousands line up for ‘jingle jabs’ on Christmas in England
Thousands of people across England are spending a few minutes of Christmas Day to line up…
Omicron is latest blow to pandemic-weary front-line workers
Staff absences for COVID-19 tripled this month in London’s hospitals, and nearly 10% of the city’s…
Clues to treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder found in recently evolved region of the ‘dark genome’
Scientists investigating the DNA outside our genes—the ‘dark genome’—have discovered recently evolved regions that code for…
Tobacco-style health campaigns needed to spell out ultra processed food harms
Tobacco-style public health campaigns are needed to spell out the full extent of the harms of…
New model helps prevent high blood pressure in early stage
Researchers from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently…
London declares ‘major incident’ over Omicron spread
London mayor Sadiq Khan on Saturday declared a “major incident” in the British capital due to…
Omicron COVID variant ‘dominant’ in France from start of 2022: PM
French Prime Minister Jean Castex on Friday likened the spread of the Omicron variant in Europe…
Recalled noncalcified lesions: ultrasound vs. ultrasound plus mammography
According to an article in ARRS’ American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), radiologists should consider performing ultrasound…
Are rocket scientists and brain surgeons really smarter than everyone else?
Rocket scientists and brain surgeons are no smarter than the general population, suggests a study in…
Machine learning predicts risk of death in patients with suspected or known heart disease
A novel artificial intelligence score provides a more accurate forecast of the likelihood of patients with…
Drugmakers singling out US for inflation-busting price hikes: probe
The pharmaceutical industry is targeting vulnerable Americans with predatory pricing that is forcing them to ration…