Anger and aggressive driving are all the rage on Australian roads

Nowhere is space more contested in the urban setting than on our roads.

China announces 1st COVID-19 death in almost 6 months

China on Sunday announced its first new death from COVID-19 in nearly half a year as…

COVID-19 vaccine developed in Thailand can be stored in refrigerator for three months

A team of researchers affiliated with several entities in Thailand, working with two colleagues from the…

Using an online pharmacy to buy meds? It’s buyer beware, FDA says

It might be tempting to buy prescription medication online, but buyers should beware, the U.S. Food…

Alcohol misuse is an overlooked risk factor for severe COVID-19, according to a review of evidence

Chronic alcohol misuse including Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is an overlooked risk factor for severe or…

Selective nodal radiation may be a more effective approach in cancer treatment

A promising new study released by the University of Colorado Cancer Center suggests that recurrence of…

Higher sense of purpose in life may be linked to lower mortality risk

Growing research indicates that one’s purpose—i.e., the extent to which someone perceives a sense of direction…

A new study reveals the economic burden of gun violence

A study led by Christopher Marrero, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery at LSU Health…

Research uncovers how UV light triggers immune activation and disease flares in lupus

After sun exposure, people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) frequently develop skin rashes, which often are…

Participation doubles after lupus support group at HSS transitions to virtual format during pandemic

A study at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) highlights the success of a lupus peer support…

How do we experience the pain of other people?

A new study from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience recorded the neurons of human patients to…

New study illuminates why cancers caused by BRCA mutations recur

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Basser Center for BRCA at the Abramson Cancer Center have…

Researchers identify biomarkers that predict preeclampsia risk

In a study of pregnant women in the United States, Cedars-Sinai investigators found that a specific…

Preterm birth more common in unvaccinated pregnant patients with rheumatic disease and COVID-19

New research presented this week at ACR Convergence 2022, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting,…

Some flu vaccine reactions might be a good sign for people with heart disease

People with heart disease who forego annual flu vaccination for fear of having an adverse reaction…

Monkeypox mostly spreads before symptoms appear, study suggests

People with monkeypox can spread the virus up to four days before symptoms appear, with more…

Antibody treatment tested as new tool against malaria

Research in Africa found a one-time dose of an experimental drug protected adults against malaria for…

Fecal microbial transplants show lack of predictability when no prior antibiotic treatment is given to recipient

A fecal microbial transplant—giving a recipient fecal matter from a donor to change the recipient’s gut…

Researchers discover a novel instructive role for the entorhinal cortex

A longstanding question in neuroscience is how mammalian brains (including ours) adapt to external environments, information,…

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: The frightening psychological condition suffered by Dixie D’Amelio

Singer and social media star Dixie D’Amelio revealed on Instagram recently that she has been diagnosed…

Extreme risk protection orders assist in preventing mass shooting events, study shows

Extreme risk protection orders, also known as red flag laws, can help prevent firearm injury events,…

Different people interpret facial impressions very differently, study reveals

Researchers used an algorithm to allow people to refine what they thought the facial expression of…

Video games could improve kids’ brains: study

Parents often worry about the harmful impacts of video games on their children, from mental health…

Cholera overwhelms Haiti as cases, deaths spike amid crisis

The sun shone down on Stanley Joliva as medical staff at an open-air clinic hovered around…

Chlorhexidine disinfectant may perform best in killing bone tumor cells after surgery

The widely used disinfectant chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) appears to be the most effective irrigation solution for…

Children with resistant leukemia given CRISPR-edited T cells: Phase 1 study results reported

Researchers at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) and UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of…

Dissemination of bone metastasis linked with bone remodeling

Years to decades after breast tumors have been removed, cancer may return or metastasize in other…

Researchers identify model for studying treatments targeting multiple sclerosis progression

A new study from UCLA researchers identified an animal model that could be used to study…

Inner ear structural assignment method may identify Meniere disease

The Inner Ear Structural Assignment Method (IESAM) has high diagnostic value for identifying definite Meniere disease…

Binge eating is more common than anorexia or bulimia—but it remains a hidden and hard-to-treat disorder

For many people, the term “eating disorder” will bring to mind its two most familiar forms—anorexia…